Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hitting The Ground Running!

After a day of traveling, we arrived in Panama City excited and eager to get acquainted with Panamanian culture. After going through customs we were greeted by our mission sponsor Carlos Veron, and the in-country support team that has been helping us plan. Anna, Maria, Roberto, and their sponsor Gabi from the Panamerican School immediately made us feel welcome. We got to see the bright, beautiful Panama City skyline as we drove to our hotel, the Torros de Alba. After getting settled, reviewing our plans for the next two days and getting some of the conference supplies organized, the students and sponsor from the Panamerican School generously treated us to an authentic local dinner near our hotel. It was a chance for us to get to know eachother and share a few laughs over great food like Sancocho  Panameno. At the University Symposium we attended in January, staff had challenged us to use the Magee's kitchen to make some Panamanian food. Tonight we discovered that the Sancocho we made in Virginia was just like the real thing. We’ve only been here a few hours but we’re already having a great time. The nice weather, welcoming people, and good food have made it a great experience so far. 

P.S. James is especially excited to leave the sunless Arctic fortress that is Boston. Today Carlos told him that he was so white he reminded him of a Edward Cullen from Twlight. *Thanks Carlos*

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful. Can't wait to read more!

    edward cullen from twilight=hahahahaha
